Bird Watching Gardening Club
The spring gardening club braved Monday’s unpredictable weather and ventured out with clip boards and binoculars to take part in the RSPB annual bird count. As the garden is slowly establishing, the wildlife needs to be encouraged to visit, so during the past few weeks the children have been making bird feeders using lard, mixed seed and dried fruit as a yummy treat to attract our little feathered friends. We eagerly observed the birds from the Hide in the outdoor classroom, making identifications and ticking the tally chart. To our surprise, 5 plump woodpigeons were feasting, 7 sparrows were using the feeders, a male blackbird was spotted along with 4 dunnocks and a small flock of starlings flew overhead, followed finally by 3 magpies. Please look over to the garden area as you pass and discuss with your child what birds you can see. There are identification sheets in the office for you to take and enjoy at home!